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Contact Wheeler Arts about Quick Art¬ images
Wheeler Arts
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Contact Wayzata Technology Inc. for CD-ROM technical support
Wayzata Technology Inc.
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Contact Symmetry Software Corporation for Mariah¬ Demo technical support, or to order Mariah¬
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8603 E. Royal Palm Rd. Suite 110
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Support: 602/998-9106
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There are cool searching features in Mariah¬ we wanted to make sure you were aware of.
In Mariah¬, you have two types of searching; Gathering and Filtering. Partial searching has been added to Gathering and Filtering making these features much more powerful. Partial searching allows you to find all items that start with certain letters no matter how many letters or words are actually in the Titles or Keywords.
Example: If you wanted to find all the items that start with ╥CHRISTMAS╙, such as CHRISTMAS TREES and CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS, you need only to enter the first part of the word and three periods ie. ╥CHRISTMAS...╙. You could also enter just ╥CHRISTM...╙ or ╥CHRISTMA...╙.
Another Example: You could enter just ╥C...╙ and get all items that have Titles or Keywords that start with ╥C╙. (Shortcut: Instead of typing 3 periods you can also type ╥Option ;╙)
See the enclosed ╥Quick Start╙ sheet for additional Mariah¬ Demo Instructions.